Saturday, 25 November 2017

Online Education Vs Offline Education in India

As Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Education plays a major role in a country’s development and also helps in economic growth because when citizens become educated it leads to innovation and creation of something new. Life just couldn’t be better without proper education system in any country. Education is a sector where no nation would like to compromise because education is the corner-stone for every developed country, PROVED by Singapore. Education just doesn’t mean to flood up the bags of kids with books, it is a system which is meant to run with proper strategic plan. Books are definitely a great source of knowledge but that Knowledge remains undeveloped if not performed practically. In India education is provided by two sectors public sector and private sector. But we all know that technology is taking over this world, even in education sector, further dividing education to online vs offline education. Now, we will discuss these factors and will try to conclude the best for ourselves.

From on papers to online, the world has taken a big leap when it comes to technology. The word online is not unknown for anyone. Being online is being advance. Everything has been shifted to online and even education, but are we going in a right way to offer or get education online.? Does online course have same value as offline.? Which is the right institute or university for online education.? Do online courses offer right platform for the students…? These are the question which everyone has while going for an online course. 

According to google reports till 2021 India’s online education sector will cross 2 billion marks.   Keeping aside these factors of online education there are many other things which needs to draw our attention and that is INTERACTION AND DISCUSSION. Online education lacks interaction and discussion. It is a process of the world. Even Harvard has Indians as second large no. of student against U.S.A registered for online classes. So, now you wondering how to register for Harvard online course, it isn’t that easy mate. 

Actually, we can say that it all depends on the organization you are registering with, though there are many considerable advantages of registering online courses like, it saves time, less expensive (almost 50 percent or more less amount), you can learn at your own pace.  But the facts also state that only less than 5 percent of students actually clear the online courses. So, I guess whether it be Harvard or any other institute, online courses have some own challenges. But one thing is for sure by registering yourself for online courses with some internationally recognized universities like we mentioned earlier can provide you exposure to world class education level by sitting miles away but again remember the FACTS!  Looking at the facts it shows offline education has still has not lost its value and is best when we see passing percentage and I don’t think we need to see learning but with no connection to other students or faculties but if you keeping that up good, who care.?  And if we see the statistics India has highest number of online students registered for taking   more than 1 class in acts for offline education because offline education still holds a big part of education. 

Offline education is something what started many years back and still continues to go and grow. Offline education is a traditional way and still many consider to be best, especially a country like in India, From the days of Gurukul. Going to school or college is always been a priority. Getting good marks always symbolizes the level of education. Our society need to bypass this mindset toward education and relating education to marks. Education should be related to learning and one’s ability to perform tasks or doing his job effectively and efficiently than showing ranks and marks on report card rather it be online or offline.  Offline education may cost more than online education but it has more level of engagement than online education. Even if won’t put our shoes on this discussion that which education platform is best, does our country passes with good marks to provide that infrastructure and Internet facility where you can uninterruptedly learn and get benefits of online education.

I guess not and metropolitan cities have best of schools and colleges for education. For example, students studying in best school in Faridabad will may opt for online education but the base for online education is to be set in offline mode only. In India, there is no online education platform which can help you getting high school or secondary high school degree but when these students move to colleges there is multiple options for registering themselves for different courses but always remember their authenticity. If you are going for an internationally recognized university, it is a best option but it always the time which you have to spend online as it is an isolated form of learning, it requires continuous patience.

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