Saturday, 21 April 2018

Why Are Physical Fitness Activities Essential in Schools

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – nowhere has this idiom been emphasised more than it has been for school going children. When the focus is strictly on academics in schools, children tend to lose focus more easily and research over the years has proven that physical activity and sports as part of the school curriculum for children of all age groups can not only aid in better learning but also helps in the overall growth and development of a child.

The best schools in Faridabad make physical fitness activities a mandatory part of the everyday routine of their students, which provides students some relief from the rigorous routine of classroom teaching. Especially for children in senior classes where the academic coursework can get too strenuous, physical activities and engagement in active sports can help relieve some of the stress that students may come under.

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Sports and other recreational physical activities in schools in Faridabad are also important for the healthy lifestyle of growing children. Regular participation in physical activities in the school helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and also improve their cardiovascular health apart from bringing them other physical and mental benefits.

On the social front too, physical activities in the school routine can be immensely advantageous for students. It is in recreational and sporting activities that students engage more closely with their peers and thus learn to cooperate and work as a team. Students learn essential values like discipline, sportsmanship, honesty, competitive spirit, confidence, etc which go a long way in nurturing their personal development. Students also gain confidence from participating in physical activities.

For children of a young age, physical activities in the school are also important in order to develop their gross and motor skills. Sports and physical activities improve hand-eye coordination, enhance the reflexes, help in improving the posture etc which are important for students in the early stage. Especially for students in primary and pre-primary classes, physical activities in the school are a must in the everyday classroom routine.

Give your children the advantage of a well-balanced curriculum at one of the leading names in the list of schools in Faridabad – The Modern School is where a systematically designed curriculum brings together academics with diverse endeavours to help in the overall growth and development of each student. At The Modern School students are conditioned to become strong personalities with a global outlook.

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