Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Why We Need Physical Activity in Schools

The recent changes in education system strongly favour extra –curricular activities, particularly physical fitness, which should be equally emphasized along with academics. The outcome of this has been very positive so far and helped children to become better learners, having strong physique and active in day to day life resulting in their over-all development.  This has also been proved in recent reports that physical activities or sports increase the focus and overall well- being which in turn helps children to become better students.

Some of the best schools in Faridabad have made physical fitness mandatory part of their curriculum to help the students to feel refreshed and energetic after long sessions in the classroom. The stress level increases more with senior students and sport and physical activity for this group of students is really important and help them get a respite from rigorous classrooms.

Image may contain: 19 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Sports and other such recreational activities in various schools in Faridabad encourage students to follow good and healthy lifestyle which helps in their overall development. With better health, they can work harder and contribute to the society by becoming a better citizen.

The physical activities also inculcate team spirit through team games and this also helps them to learn sharing, sportsmanship, honesty, competitive spirit which helps in boosting their confidence and   to become a better social human being.

For young children,  physical activities in the school help them to grow  their gross and motor skills, improve hand-eye coordination, enhance the reflexes and improve  posture to help them grow big and mentally strong to become good students as well as good human beings.

The Modern School is one of the top schools in Faridabad which has a balanced curriculum where physical activities are given importance for an overall growth and development of each student. This helps them to become strong personalities to take on the challenges of life.

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